Sunday, January 17, 2010

Where do I want to be?

I’m writing this from the comfort of my warm room in my dry house. The rain outside continues to fall and the wind persists to howl, and as I think about what I’ve been doing for the last four and a half hours my room is all the more appreciated. This morning I dressed for the elements and with my iPod on play, I hit the road in what was a wet and windy ride. Several times during the ride I noticed the classic and quiet country farm homes which are cumbersome in most of my rides outside of Chico, Ca. Not only did the houses look welcoming with the smoke coming from the chimneys or the lights on inside, but I was imagining that the mother of the house was cooking some hot cookies and the family was around the TV watching the NFL playoffs. So bad I wanted to get off my bike and be home with my family, dry and warm; however I was doing what I love to do. It’s interesting how many ups and downs one will go through on a four hour ride, but when all is down I’m almost always glad I was out on the road. Today was one of those rides that you just try and get done because there is not much desirable about it; the ironic thing is, this week’s weather is going to remain the same, but I’m guaranteed to be out there wishing I was in the comfort of my home with my family.

1 comment:

Chico Cyclist said...

Great job Ian - glad you got out there for a ride!!